In the year 2065, Earth has been taken over by a race of alien phantoms and transformed into a barren wasteland sprinkled with dome-enclosed barrier cities, the last remaining bastions of human civilization. Dr. Aki Ross has teamed up with Captain Gray Edwards to search for the eighth spirit, a powerful entity dwelling in an unknown life form somewhere on the planet. It holds the key to perfecting a system of energy waves that will neutralize the phantoms. Ross's opponent is the reckless General Hein, who is determined to put a stop to the alien invasion by firing a satellite cannon directly into a nest of phantoms located deep within the Earth, even though this could mean obliterating the planet and all life upon it.
Special Features:
Animation director, staging director and editor commentaries.
Character profile featurettes.
Vehicle scale featurettes.
Genre/Thema: Science Fiction Tonformat: english Bildformat: Widescreen
Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: PG
Bestellnummer: SBR31971
Preis: 29.- CHF
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