Contains 2 films: FREAKY FRIDAY (2003) - Dr. Tess Coleman and her teenagedaughter Anna have one thing in common - they don't relate to each other onanything. Then one night a little mystic mayhem changes their lives andthey wake up to the biggest freak-out ever. Tess and Anna are trappedinside each other's body! THE PARENT TRAP (1998) - Hallie is a cool girlfrom California. Annie is a fair rose from London. When the twoaccidentally meet at a summer camp and realise they look identical to eachother, a scheme to switch places and reunite their parents is soon hatched.
Schauspieler: Lindsay Lohan, Jamie Lee Curtis
Genre/Thema: Family Entertainment Tonformat: english Bildformat:
Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: PG
Bestellnummer: BUA0064501
Preis: 36.- CHF
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